class HexaPDF::Font::Encoding::GlyphList


Provides access to and mapping functionality for the Adobe Glyph List.

The Adobe Glyph List is used for mapping glyph names to Unicode values. The mapping itself is not a one-to-one mapping because some glyphs are mapped to the same Unicode sequence, e.g. the glyph name for ‘A’ and the glyph name for ‘small capital A’.

Since a reverse mapping is needed for converting UTF-8 strings to glyph names when encoding text, this (not unique) reverse mapping is also available. However, only the first occurence of a particular Unicode string is reverse-mapped.


Public Class Methods

name_to_unicode(name, zapf_dingbats: false)

Creates and returns the single GlyphList instance.

Calls superclass method
unicode_to_name(unicode, zapf_dingbats: false)

Public Instance Methods

name_to_unicode(name, zapf_dingbats: false)

Maps the given name to a string by following the Adobe Glyph Specification. Returns nil if the name has no correct mapping.

If this method is invoked when dealing with the ZapfDingbats font, the zapf_dingbats option needs to be set to true.

Assumes that the name is a Symbol and that it includes just one component (no underscores)!

unicode_to_name(unicode, zapf_dingbats: false)

Maps the given Unicode codepoint/string to a name in the Adobe Glyph List, or to .notdef if there is no mapping.

If this method is invoked when dealing with the ZapfDingbats font, the zapf_dingbats option needs to be set to true.