
This example shows how HexaPDF::Composer simplifies the creation of PDF documents by providing a high-level interface to the box layouting engine.

Basic style properties can be set using the HexaPDF::Composer#style method and the style name :base. These properties are reused by every box and can be adjusted on a box-by-box basis. Newly defined styles also inherit the properties from the :base style.

Various methods allow the easy creation of boxes, for example, text and image boxes. All these boxes are automatically drawn on the page. If the page has not enough room left for a box, the box is split across pages (which are automatically created) if possible or just drawn on the new page.

ruby composer.rb
Resulting PDF:


require 'hexapdf'

lorem_ipsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con\u{00AD}sectetur
adipis\u{00AD}cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi\u{00AD}dunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer\u{00AD}citation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ".tr("\n", " ")

HexaPDF::Composer.create('composer.pdf') do |pdf|, line_spacing: 1.5, last_line_gap: true, text_align: :justify), border: {width: 1}, padding: 5, margin: 10), fill_color: "hp-blue-dark", underline: true)
  image = File.join(__dir__, 'machupicchu.jpg')

  pdf.text(lorem_ipsum * 2)
  pdf.image(image, style: :image, width: 200, position: :float)
  pdf.image(image, style: :image, width: 200, position: [200, 300])
  pdf.text(lorem_ipsum * 20, position: :flow)

  pdf.formatted_text(["Produced by ",
                      {link: "", text: "HexaPDF",
                       style: :link},
                      " via HexaPDF::Composer"],
                      font_size: 15, text_align: :center, padding: 15)