Text Layouter - Shapes

The HexaPDF::Layout::TextLayouter class can be used to easily lay out text, not limiting the area to a rectangle but any shape. There is only one restriction: In the case of arbitrary shapes the vertical alignment has to be “top”.

Note that using HexaPDF::Layout::TextBox is preferred over TextLayouter. However, it is currently not possible to flow text into arbitrary shapes with TextBox. So if this functionality is required, the TextLayouter class needs to be used directly.

Arbitrary shapes boil down to varying line widths and horizontal offsets from left. Imagine a circle: If text is fit in a circle, the line widths start at zero, getting larger and larger until the middle of the cirle. And then they get smaller until zero again. The x-values of the left half circle determine the horizontal offsets.

Both, the line widths and the horizontal offsets can be calculated given a certain height, and this is exactly what HexaPDF uses. If the width argument to HexaPDF::Layout::TextLayouter#fit is an object responding to #call (e.g. a lambda), it is used for determining the line widths and offsets.

This example shows text layed out in various shapes, using the above mentioned techniques.

ruby text_layouter_shapes.rb
Resulting PDF:


require 'hexapdf'

doc = HexaPDF::Document.new
page = doc.pages.add
canvas = page.canvas
canvas.font("Times", size: 10, variant: :bold)
font = doc.fonts.add("Times")

sample_text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con\u{00AD}sectetur
adipis\u{00AD}cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
".tr("\n", ' ') * 10

items = doc.layout.text_fragments(sample_text, font: font)
layouter = HexaPDF::Layout::TextLayouter.new

# Circly things on the top
radius = 100
circle_top = 840
half_circle_width = lambda do |height, line_height|
  sum = height + line_height
  if sum <= radius * 2
    [Math.sqrt(radius**2 - (radius - height)**2),
     Math.sqrt([radius**2 - (radius - sum)**2, 0].max)].min
circle = lambda do |height, line_height|
  w = half_circle_width.call(height, line_height)
  [radius - w, 2 * w]
left_half_circle = lambda do |height, line_height|
  w = half_circle_width.call(height, line_height)
  [radius - w, w]

# Left: right half circle
result = layouter.fit(items, half_circle_width, radius * 2)
result.draw(canvas, 0, circle_top)
canvas.circle(0, circle_top - radius, radius).stroke

# Center: full circle
layouter.style.text_align = :justify
result = layouter.fit(items, circle, radius * 2)
result.draw(canvas, page.box.width / 2.0 - radius, circle_top)
canvas.circle(page.box.width / 2.0, circle_top - radius, radius).stroke

# Right: left half circle
layouter.style.text_align = :right
result = layouter.fit(items, left_half_circle, radius * 2)
result.draw(canvas, page.box.width - radius, circle_top)
canvas.circle(page.box.width, circle_top - radius, radius).stroke

# Pointy, diamondy things in the middle

diamond_width = 100
diamond_top = circle_top - 2 * radius - 10
half_diamond_width = lambda do |height, line_height|
  sum = height + line_height
  if sum < diamond_width
    [diamond_width * 2 - sum, 0].max
full_diamond = lambda do |height, line_height|
  w = half_diamond_width.call(height, line_height)
  [diamond_width - w, 2 * w]
left_half_diamond = lambda do |height, line_height|
  w = half_diamond_width.call(height, line_height)
  [diamond_width - w, w]

# Left: right half diamond
layouter.style.text_align = :left
result = layouter.fit(items, half_diamond_width, 2 * diamond_width)
result.draw(canvas, 0, diamond_top)
canvas.polyline(0, diamond_top, diamond_width, diamond_top - diamond_width,
                0, diamond_top - 2 * diamond_width).stroke

# Center: full diamond
layouter.style.text_align = :justify
result = layouter.fit(items, full_diamond, 2 * diamond_width)
left = page.box.width / 2.0 - diamond_width
result.draw(canvas, left, diamond_top)
canvas.polyline(left + diamond_width, diamond_top,
                left + 2 * diamond_width, diamond_top - diamond_width,
                left + diamond_width, diamond_top - 2 * diamond_width,
                left, diamond_top - diamond_width).close_subpath.stroke

# Right: left half diamond
layouter.style.text_align = :right
result = layouter.fit(items, left_half_diamond, 2 * diamond_width)
middle = page.box.width
result.draw(canvas, middle - diamond_width, diamond_top)
canvas.polyline(middle, diamond_top,
                middle - diamond_width, diamond_top - diamond_width,
                middle, diamond_top - 2 * diamond_width).stroke

# Sine wave thing next

sine_wave_height = 200.0
sine_wave_top = diamond_top - 2 * diamond_width - 10
sine_wave = lambda do |height, line_height|
  offset = [40 * Math.sin(2 * Math::PI * (height / sine_wave_height)),
            40 * Math.sin(2 * Math::PI * (height + line_height) / sine_wave_height)].max
  [offset, sine_wave_height + 100 + offset * -2]
layouter.style.text_align = :justify
result = layouter.fit(items, sine_wave, sine_wave_height)
middle = page.box.width / 2.0
result.draw(canvas, middle - (sine_wave_height + 100) / 2, sine_wave_top)

# And finally a house

house_top = sine_wave_top - sine_wave_height - 10
outer_width = 300.0
inner_width = 100.0
house = lambda do |height, line_height|
  sum = height + line_height
  first_part = (outer_width / 2 - inner_width / 2)
  if (0..first_part).cover?(sum)
    [-height, outer_width + height * 2]
  elsif (first_part..(first_part + inner_width)).cover?(height) ||
      (first_part..(first_part + inner_width)).cover?(sum)
    [0, first_part, inner_width, first_part]
  elsif sum <= outer_width
layouter.style.text_align = :justify
result = layouter.fit(items, house, 200)

middle = page.box.width / 2.0
result.draw(canvas, middle - (outer_width / 2), house_top)

doc.write("text_layouter_shapes.pdf", optimize: true)