PDF/A Conformance

This example shows how to create a PDF file that is PDF/A compliant.

In this case we are creating a simple invoice, with multiple line items that break across the page boundary.

ruby pdfa.rb
Resulting PDF:


require 'hexapdf'

HexaPDF::Composer.create('pdfa.pdf') do |composer|
  composer.document.config['font.map'] = {
    'Lato' => {
      none: '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/lato/Lato-Regular.ttf',
      bold: '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/lato/Lato-Bold.ttf',
      italic: '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/lato/Lato-Italic.ttf',
      bold_italic: '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/lato/Lato-BoldItalic.ttf',

  company = {
    name: 'Sample Corp Limited',
    address: ["Example Avenue 1", "12345 Runway"],

  # Define all styles
    base: {font: 'Lato', font_size: 10, line_spacing: 1.3},
    top: {font_size: 8},
    top_box: {padding: [100, 0, 0], margin: [0, 0, 10], border: {width: [0, 0, 1]}},
    header: {font: 'Lato bold', font_size: 20, margin: [50, 0, 20]},
    line_items: {border: {width: 1, color: "eee"}, margin: [20, 0]},
    line_item_cell: {font_size: 8},
    footer: {border: {width: [1, 0, 0], color: "darkgrey"}, padding: [5, 0, 0],
             valign: :bottom},
    footer_heading: {font: 'Lato bold', font_size: 8, padding: [0, 0, 8]},
    footer_text: {font_size: 8, fill_color: "darkgrey"},

  # Top part
  composer.box(:container, style: :top_box) do |container|
    container.formatted_text([{text: company[:name], font: 'Lato bold'},
                              " - " + company[:address].join(' - ')], style: :top)
  composer.text("Mega Client\nSmall Lane 5\n67890 Noonestown", mask_mode: :box)
  cells = [["Invoice number:", "2024/01"],
           ["Invoice date", "2024-03-10"],
           ["Service date:", "2024-02-01"]]
  composer.table(cells, column_widths: [150, 80], style: {align: :right}) do |args|
    args[] = {cell: {border: {width: 0}, padding: 2}, text_align: :right}
    args[0..-1, 0] = {font: 'Lato bold'}

  # Middle part
  composer.text("Invoice - 2024/01", style: :header)
  composer.text("Thank you for your order. Following are the items you purchased:")

  cells = [["Description", "Price", "Amount", "Total"]]
  max = 40
  1.upto(max) do |index|
    cells << ["Sample Item E.g. #{index}", "€ 250,00", index, "€ #{250 * index},00"]
  cells << [nil, nil, nil, "€ #{250 * max * (max + 1) / 2},00"]
  composer.table(cells, column_widths: [250, 80], style: :line_items) do |args|
    args[] = {cell: {border: {width: 0}, padding: 8}, style: :line_item_cell}
    args[0] = {cell: {background_color: "eee"}, font: "Lato bold"}
    args[-1] = {cell: {background_color: "eee", border: {width: [2, 0, 0]}},
                font: "Lato bold"}
    args[0..-1, 1..-1] = {text_align: :right}

  composer.text("Please transfer the total amount via SEPA transfer to the bank " \
                "account below immediately after receiving the invoice - thank you.")

  # Bottom part
  l = composer.document.layout
  cells = [
    [l.text(company[:name], style: :footer_heading),
     l.text(company[:address].join("\n"), style: :footer_text)],
    [l.text('Contact', style: :footer_heading),
     l.text("owner@samplecorp.com\nOwner: Me, Myself, And I", style: :footer_text)],
    [l.text('Bank Account', style: :footer_heading),
     l.text("Sample Corp Bank\nIBAN: SC01 2345 6789 0123 4567\nBIC: SACOZZB123",
            style: :footer_text)],
  composer.table([cells], cell_style: {border: {width: 0}}, style: :footer)