Table Box
This example shows how HexaPDF::Layout::TableBox can be used to create tables.
- Usage:
ruby table_box.rb
- Resulting PDF:
- table_box.pdf
- Preview:
require 'hexapdf'
image = File.join(__dir__, 'machupicchu.jpg')
HexaPDF::Composer.create("table_box.pdf") do |composer|
# We start with the simplest table
data = [['Hello', 'World'], ['How', 'are you?']]
# The width of the columns can be specified
composer.table(data, column_widths: [100, 50])
# Besides text a table cell can contain any other element
l = composer.document.layout
data = [['Text', 'Just simple text'],
['Image', l.image(image)],
['List', l.list {|list| list.text('Hello'); list.text('List')}],
['Columns', l.column {|c| c.lorem_ipsum(count: 4) }]]
composer.table(data, column_widths: [50])
# A table can be split if necessary
composer.table([[l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1), l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1)],
[l.lorem_ipsum, l.lorem_ipsum]])
# It is possible to specify headers and footers which all split parts
# will have
composer.column(height: 200) do |column|
header = lambda {|table| [[l.text('Header left'), l.text('Header right')]] }
footer = lambda {|table| [[l.text('Footer left'), l.text('Footer right')]] }
column.table([[l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1), l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1)],
[l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1), l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1)],
[l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1), l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1)],
[l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1), l.lorem_ipsum(sentences: 1)]],
header: header, footer: footer)