Text Layouter - Styling
The text used as part of a HexaPDF::Layout::TextLayouter class can be styled using HexaPDF::Layout::Style.
It is not advised to use the TextLayouter
class directly but instead via the
HexaPDF::Layout::TextBox class and the general document layout
To style HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment objects, they have to be created with the needed styling and then added to a text layout object. In addition, the style objects can be used for customizing the text layouts themselves.
This example shows how to do this and shows off the various styling option, including using callbacks to further customize the appearance.
- Usage:
ruby text_layouter_styling.rb [FONT_FILE]
- Resulting PDF:
- text_layouter_styling.pdf
- Preview:
require 'hexapdf'
include HexaPDF::Layout
sample_text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.".tr("\n", ' ')
# Wraps the text in a TextFragment using the given style.
def fragment(text, style)
TextFragment.create(text, style)
# Draws the text at the given [x, y] position onto the canvas and returns the
# new y position.
def draw_text(result, canvas, x, y)
raise "Error" unless result.remaining_items.empty?
result.draw(canvas, x, y)
y - result.height
doc = HexaPDF::Document.new
canvas = doc.pages.add.canvas
base_font = doc.fonts.add(ARGV[0] || "Times")
base_style = {font: base_font, font_size: 12, text_indent: 20}
styles = {
"Fonts | Font Sizes | Colors" => [
{font: doc.fonts.add("Times", variant: :italic),
font_size: 12, fill_color: "hp-blue-light"},
{font: doc.fonts.add("Courier"), font_size: 14,
fill_color: "hp-orange"},
{font: doc.fonts.add("Helvetica", variant: :bold),
font_size: 20, fill_alpha: 0.5},
"Character Spacing | Word Spacing | Horizontal Scaling" => [
{**base_style, character_spacing: 3},
{**base_style, horizontal_scaling: 150},
{**base_style, word_spacing: 15},
"Text Rise" => [
{**base_style, text_rise: 5},
{**base_style, text_rise: -3},
"Subscript | Superscript" => [
{**base_style, font_size: 15, subscript: true},
{**base_style, font_size: 15, superscript: true},
"Underline | Strikeout" => [
{**base_style, underline: true, strikeout: true},
{**base_style, underline: true, strikeout: true, text_rise: 5},
{**base_style, underline: true, strikeout: true, subscript: true},
"Text Rendering Mode" => [
{**base_style, text_rendering_mode: :stroke,
stroke_width: 0.1},
{**base_style, font_size: 20, text_rendering_mode: :fill_stroke,
stroke_color: "hp-orange-light", stroke_width: 0.7,
stroke_dash_pattern: [0.5, 1, 1.5], stroke_cap_style: :round},
"Underlays | Overlays" => [
{**base_style, underlays: [lambda do |canv, box|
canv.fill_color("hp-orange-light2").opacity(fill_alpha: 0.5).
rectangle(0, 0, box.width, box.height).fill
{**base_style, overlays: [lambda do |canv, box|
line(0, -box.y_min, box.width, box.y_max - box.y_min).stroke
"Links" => [
{**base_style, overlays: [
[:link, dest: [canvas.context, :FitR, 100, 300, 200, 400]],
{**base_style, overlays: [
[:link, uri: "https://hexapdf.gettalong.org",
border: [0, 0, 2, [3, 3]], border_color: "hp-blue"],
{**base_style, overlays: [
[:link, file: "text_layouter_styling.pdf", border: true],
y = 800
left = 50
width = 500
layouter = TextLayouter.new(base_style)
styles.each do |desc, variations|
items = sample_text.split(/(Lorem ipsum dolor|\b\w{2,5}\b)/).map do |str|
if str.length >= 3 && str.length <= 5
fragment(str, variations[str.length % variations.length])
elsif str.length == 2
fragment(str, variations.first)
elsif str =~ /Lorem/
fragment(str, variations.last)
fragment(str, base_style)
items.unshift(fragment(desc + ": ", fill_color: "hp-blue-dark", **base_style))
y = draw_text(layouter.fit(items, width, 400), canvas, left, y) - 20
doc.write("text_layouter_styling.pdf", optimize: true)