Composer - Mask Mode
This example shows how to use the style property ‘mask_mode’ to achieve certain effects like overlaying boxes on each other or using multiple horizontal alignments on one line.
- Usage:
ruby composer_mask_mode.rb
require ‘hexapdf’
- Resulting PDF:
- composer_mask_mode.pdf
- Preview:
HexaPDF::Composer.create('composer_mask_mode.pdf') do |composer|
box = composer.image(File.join(__dir__, 'machupicchu.jpg'),
border: {width: 1}, mask_mode: :none)
composer.text('Text overlaid over image', height: box.height, text_align: :center,
font_size: 50, text_valign: :center, text_rendering_mode: :fill_stroke,
fill_color: 'white', stroke_color: 'hp-blue', margin: [0, 0, 10])
composer.column(columns: 1, style: {border: {width: 1}, padding: 10}) do |col|
col.text('Center', mask_mode: :box, align: :center)
col.text('Left', mask_mode: :fill_horizontal)
col.text('Right', align: :right)