class HexaPDF::Layout::TextBox


A TextBox is used for drawing text, either inside a rectangular box or by flowing it around objects of a Frame.

The standard usage is through the helper methods Document::Layout#text and Document::Layout#formatted_text.

This class uses TextLayouter behind the scenes to do the hard work.

Used Box Properties

The spacing after the last line can be controlled via the style property last_line_gap. Also see TextLayouter#style for other style properties taken into account.


When setting the style property ‘position’ to :flow, padding and border to the left and right as well as a predefined fixed width are not respected and the result will look wrong.


Showing some text:, items: layout.text_fragments("This is some text."))
# Or easier with the provided convenience method
composer.text("This is also some text")

It is possible to flow the text around other objects by using the style property ‘position’ with the value :flow:, width: 30, height: 30,
             style: {margin: 5, position: :float, background_color: "hp-blue-light"})
composer.text("This is some text. " * 20, position: :flow)

While top and bottom padding and border can be used with flow positioning, left and right padding and border are not supported and the result will look wrong:, width: 30, height: 30,
             style: {margin: 5, position: :float, background_color: "hp-blue-light"})
composer.text("This is some text. " * 20, padding: 10, position: :flow,
              text_align: :justify)

Public Class Methods

new(items:, **kwargs)

Creates a new TextBox object with the given inline items (e.g. TextFragment and InlineBox objects).

Calls superclass method HexaPDF::Layout::Box::new

Public Instance Methods


Returns true as the ‘position’ style property value :flow is supported.


Returns the text that will be drawn.

This will ignore any inline boxes or kerning values.