class HexaPDF:: DigitalSignature:: Handler
Parent | Object |
The base signature handler providing common functionality.
Specific signature handlers need to override methods if necessary and implement the needed ones that don’t have a default implementation.
The signature dictionary used by the handler.
Public Class Methods
Creates a new signature handler for the given signature dictionary.
Public Instance Methods
Returns the certificate chain.
Needs to be implemented by specific handlers.
Returns the certificate used for signing.
Needs to be implemented by specific handlers.
Returns the common name of the signer (/Name field of the signature dictionary).
Returns the time of signing (/M field of the signature dictionary).
Verifies general signature properties and prepares the provided OpenSSL::X509::Store object for use by concrete implementations.
Needs to be called by specific handlers.
Protected Instance Methods
Sets an informational message on result
whether the signature is a certified signature.
Returns the block that should be used as the OpenSSL::X509::Store verification callback.
object that should be updated if problems are found. allow_self_signed
Specifies whether self-signed certificates are allowed.
Verifies that the signing time was within the validity period of the signer certificate.