class HexaPDF::Type::Annotation

Extended With

Annotations are used to associate objects like notes, sounds or movies with a location on a PDF page or allow the user to interact with a PDF document using a keyboard or mouse.

See: PDF2.0 s12.5

Field Definitions

NameType/Allowed ValuesRequiredDefault Value
RectHexaPDF::Rectangle or Arraytruenil
PHexaPDF::Dictionary or Hashfalsenil
MHexaPDF::DictionaryFields::PDFDate or String or Time or Date or DateTimefalsenil
APHexaPDF::Type::Annotation::AppearanceDictionary or Hashfalsenil
BorderHexaPDF::PDFArray or Arrayfalse[0, 0, 1]
CHexaPDF::PDFArray or Arrayfalsenil
OCHexaPDF::Dictionary or Hashfalsenil

Public Instance Methods

appearance(type: :normal, state_name: self[:AS])

Returns the annotation’s appearance stream of the given type (:normal, :rollover, or :down) or nil if it doesn’t exist.

The appearance state in /AS or the one provided via state_name is taken into account if necessary.

Also aliased as: appearance?
appearance?(type: :normal, state_name: self[:AS])
Alias for: appearance

Returns the AppearanceDictionary instance associated with the annotation or nil if none is set.

create_appearance(type: :normal, state_name: self[:AS])

Creates an empty appearance stream (a Form XObject) of the given type (:normal, :rollover, or :down) and returns it. If an appearance stream already exist, it is overwritten.

If there can be multiple appearance streams for the annotation, use the state_name argument to provide the appearance state name.

flag(*flags, clear_existing: false)

Sets the given flags on /F, given as flag names or bit indices. If clear_existing is true, all prior flags will be cleared.

See flags for the list of available flags.


Returns true if the given flag is set on /F. The argument can either be the flag name or the bit index.

See flags for the list of available flags.


Returns an array of flag names representing the set bit flags for /F.

The available flags are:

:invisible or 0

Applies only to non-standard annotations. If set, do not render or print the annotation.

:hidden or 1

If set, do not render the annotation or allow interactions.

:print or 2

If set, print the annotation unless the hidden flag is also set. Otherwise never print the annotation.

:no_zoom or 3

If set, do not scale the annotation’s appearance to match the magnification of the page.

:no_rotate or 4

If set, do not rotate the annotation’s appearance to match the rotation of the page.

:no_view or 5

If set, do not render the annotation on the screen or allow interactions.

:read_only or 6

If set, do not allow user interactions.

:locked or 7

If set, do not allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties be modified.

:toggle_no_view or 8

If set, invert the interpretation of the :no_view flag for annotation selection and mouse hovering.

:locked_contents or 9

If set, do not allow the contents of the annotation to be modified.


Returns true because annotation objects must always be indirect objects.


Clears the given flags from /F, given as flag names or bit indices.

See flags for the list of available flags.