class HexaPDF:: Type:: OutputIntent
Parent | HexaPDF::Dictionary |
Represents an output intent dictionary.
Such a dictionary may be referenced from the catalog’s /OutputIntents entry or from the /OutputIntents entry of a page object.
See: PDF2.0 s14.11.5, Catalog
Field Definitions
Name | Type/Allowed Values | Required | Default Value |
Type | Symbol | false | :OutputIntent |
S | Symbol | true | nil |
OutputCondition | String | false | nil |
OutputConditionIdentifier | String | true | nil |
RegistryName | String | false | nil |
Info | String | false | nil |
DestOutputProfile | HexaPDF::Stream or Hash | false | nil |
DestOutputProfileRef | HexaPDF::Type::OutputIntent::DestOutputProfileRef or Hash | false | nil |
MixingHints | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
SpectralData | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |