class HexaPDF::Layout::Style::LineSpacing


Defines how the distance between the baselines of two adjacent text lines is determined:


:proportional with value 1.


:proportional with value 2.


The y_min of the first line and the y_max of the second line are multiplied with the specified value, and the sum is used as baseline distance.


The distance between the baselines is set to the specified value.


The distance between the baselines is set to the sum of the y_min of the first line, the y_max of the second line and the specified value.



The type of line spacing - see LineSpacing


The value (needed for some types) - see LineSpacing

Public Class Methods

new(type:, value: 1)

Creates a new LineSpacing object for the given type which can be any valid line spacing type or a LineSpacing object.

Public Instance Methods

baseline_distance(line1, line2)

Returns the distance between the baselines of the two given Line objects.

gap(line1, line2)

Returns the gap between the two given Line objects, i.e. the distance between the y_min of the first line and the y_max of the second line.