class HexaPDF::ImageLoader::PNG


This class is used for loading images in the PNG format from files or IO streams.

It can handle all five types of PNG images: greyscale w/wo alpha, truecolor w/wo alpha and indexed-color. Furthermore, it recognizes the gAMA, cHRM, sRGB and tRNS chunks and handles them appropriately. However, Adam7 interlaced images are not supported!

Note that greyscale, truecolor and indexed-color images with alpha need to be decoded to get the alpha channel which takes time.

All PNG specification section references are in reference to

See: PDF2.0 s7.4.4., s8.9



The color type for PNG greyscale images without alpha, see PNG s11.2.2


The color type for PNG greyscale images with alpha, see PNG s11.2.2


The color type for PNG indexed images with/without alpha, see PNG s11.2.2


The magic marker that tells us if the file/IO contains an image in PNG format.

See: PNG s5.2


Mapping from sRGB chunk rendering intent byte to PDF rendering intent name.


The primary chromaticities and white point used by the sRGB specification.


The color type for PNG truecolor images without alpha, see PNG s11.2.2


The color type for PNG truecolor images with alpha, see PNG s11.2.2

Public Class Methods

handles?(filename) → true or false
handles?(io) → true or false

Returns true if the given file or IO stream can be handled, ie. if it contains an image in PNG format.

load(document, filename) → image_obj
load(document, io) → image_obj

Creates a PDF image object from the PNG file or IO stream.