class HexaPDF:: Type:: FontDescriptor
Parent | HexaPDF::Dictionary |
Extended With |
HexaPDF::Utils::BitField |
This class specifies metrics and other attributes of a simple font or a CID font as a whole.
See: PDF2.0 s9.8
Field Definitions
Name | Type/Allowed Values | Required | Default Value |
Type | Symbol | true | :FontDescriptor |
FontName | Symbol | true | nil |
FontFamily | HexaPDF::DictionaryFields::PDFByteString or String | false | nil |
FontStretch | Symbol One of: :UltraCondensed, :ExtraCondensed, :Condensed, :SemiCondensed, :Normal, :SemiExpanded, :Expanded, :ExtraExpanded, :UltraExpanded | false | nil |
FontWeight | Numeric | false | nil |
Flags | Integer | true | nil |
FontBBox | HexaPDF::Rectangle or Array | false | nil |
ItalicAngle | Numeric | true | nil |
Ascent | Numeric | false | nil |
Descent | Numeric | false | nil |
Leading | Numeric | false | 0 |
CapHeight | Numeric | false | nil |
XHeight | Numeric | false | 0 |
StemV | Numeric | false | nil |
StemH | Numeric | false | 0 |
AvgWidth | Numeric | false | 0 |
MaxWidth | Numeric | false | 0 |
MissingWidth | Numeric | false | 0 |
FontFile | HexaPDF::Stream or Hash | false | nil |
FontFile2 | HexaPDF::Stream or Hash | false | nil |
FontFile3 | HexaPDF::Stream or Hash | false | nil |
CharSet | HexaPDF::DictionaryFields::PDFByteString or String | false | nil |
Style | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
Lang | Symbol | false | nil |
FD | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
CIDSet | HexaPDF::Stream or Hash | false | nil |