class HexaPDF:: Type:: Catalog
Parent | HexaPDF::Dictionary |
Represents the PDF’s catalog dictionary which is at the root of the document’s object hierarchy.
The catalog dictionary is linked via the /Root entry from the Trailer
See: PDF2.0 s7.7.2, Trailer
Field Definitions
Name | Type/Allowed Values | Required | Default Value |
Type | Symbol | true | :Catalog |
Version | Symbol | false | nil |
Extensions | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
Pages | HexaPDF::Type::PageTreeNode or Hash | false | nil |
PageLabels | HexaPDF::NumberTreeNode or Hash | false | nil |
Names | HexaPDF::Type::Names or Hash | false | nil |
Dests | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
ViewerPreferences | HexaPDF::Type::ViewerPreferences or Hash | false | nil |
PageLayout | Symbol One of: :SinglePage, :OneColumn, :TwoColumnLeft, :TwoColumnRight, :TwoPageLeft, :TwoPageRight | false | :SinglePage |
PageMode | Symbol One of: :UseNone, :UseOutlines, :UseThumbs, :FullScreen, :UseOC, :UseAttachments | false | :UseNone |
Outlines | HexaPDF::Type::Outline or Hash | false | nil |
Threads | HexaPDF::PDFArray or Array | false | nil |
OpenAction | HexaPDF::Dictionary or HexaPDF::PDFArray or Hash or Array | false | nil |
AA | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
URI | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
AcroForm | HexaPDF::Type::AcroForm::Form or Hash | false | nil |
Metadata | HexaPDF::Type::Metadata or Hash | false | nil |
StructTreeRoot | HexaPDF::Type::StructTreeRoot or Hash | false | nil |
MarkInfo | HexaPDF::Type::MarkInformation or Hash | false | nil |
Lang | String | false | nil |
SpiderInfo | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
OutputIntents | HexaPDF::PDFArray or Array | false | nil |
PieceInfo | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
OCProperties | HexaPDF::Type::OptionalContentProperties or Hash | false | nil |
Perms | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
Legal | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
Requirements | HexaPDF::PDFArray or Array | false | nil |
Collection | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
NeedsRendering | TrueClass or FalseClass | false | nil |
DSS | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
AF | HexaPDF::PDFArray or Array | false | nil |
DPartRoot | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
Public Instance Methods
Returns the main AcroForm
If an
object exists, thecreate
argument is not used. -
If no
object exists andcreate
, a newAcroForm
object with default settings will be created and returned. -
If no
object exists andcreate
is returned.
See: AcroForm::Form
Returns true
since catalog objects must always be indirect.
Returns the name dictionary containing all name trees of the document, creating it if needed.
See: Names
Returns the optional content properties dictionary, creating it if needed.
This is the main entry point for working with optional content, a.k.a. layers.
Returns the page labels number tree.
If a page labels number tree exists, the
argument is not used. -
If no page labels number tree exists and
, a new one is created. -
If no page labels number tree exists and
is returned.
Returns the root node of the page tree, creating it if needed.
See: PageTreeNode