class HexaPDF:: Type:: Info
Parent | HexaPDF::Dictionary |
Represents the PDF’s document information dictionary.
The info dictionary is linked via the /Info entry from the Trailer
and contains metadata for the document.
See: PDF2.0 s14.3.3, Trailer
Field Definitions
Name | Type/Allowed Values | Required | Default Value |
Title | String | false | nil |
Author | String | false | nil |
Subject | String | false | nil |
Keywords | String | false | nil |
Creator | String | false | nil |
Producer | String | false | nil |
CreationDate | HexaPDF::DictionaryFields::PDFDate or String or Time or Date or DateTime | false | nil |
ModDate | HexaPDF::DictionaryFields::PDFDate or String or Time or Date or DateTime | false | nil |
Trapped | Symbol One of: :True, :False, :Unknown | false | nil |