class HexaPDF:: Type:: Annotations:: Text
Parent | HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation |
annotations are “sticky notes” attached to a point in a PDF document. They act as if the NoZoom and NoRotate flags were always set.
See: PDF2.0 s12.5.6.4, HexaPDF::Type::MarkupAnnotation
Field Definitions
Name | Type/Allowed Values | Required | Default Value |
Type | Symbol | false | :Annot |
Subtype | Symbol | true | nil |
Rect | HexaPDF::Rectangle or Array | true | nil |
Contents | String | false | nil |
P | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
NM | String | false | nil |
M | HexaPDF::DictionaryFields::PDFDate or String or Time or Date or DateTime | false | nil |
F | Integer | false | 0 |
AP | HexaPDF::Type::Annotation::AppearanceDictionary or Hash | false | nil |
AS | Symbol | false | nil |
Border | HexaPDF::PDFArray or Array | false | [0, 0, 1] |
C | HexaPDF::PDFArray or Array | false | nil |
StructParent | Integer | false | nil |
OC | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
AF | HexaPDF::PDFArray or Array | false | nil |
ca | Numeric | false | 1.0 |
CA | Numeric | false | 1.0 |
BM | Symbol | false | nil |
Lang | String | false | nil |
T | String | false | nil |
Popup | HexaPDF::Type::Annotation or Hash | false | nil |
CA | Numeric | false | 1.0 |
RC | HexaPDF::Stream or String or Hash | false | nil |
CreationDate | HexaPDF::DictionaryFields::PDFDate or String or Time or Date or DateTime | false | nil |
IRT | HexaPDF::Dictionary or Hash | false | nil |
Subj | String | false | nil |
RT | Symbol One of: :R, :Group | false | :R |
IT | Symbol | false | nil |
ExData | HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::MarkupAnnotation::ExData or Hash | false | nil |
Subtype | Symbol | true | :Text |
Open | TrueClass or FalseClass | false | false |
Name | Symbol | false | :Note |
State | String One of: "Marked", "Unmarked", "Accepted", "Rejected", "Cancelled", "Completed", "None" | false | nil |
StateModel | String One of: "Review", "Marked" | false | nil |